
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Couch to 5K Training

Confession time: I've always wanted to be a runner. Well, kinda. Maybe it's because I know a lot of people who run or maybe it's because said people are always posting pictures of their runs and posting about their training and such.

I've never really been into sports or exercise or running for that matter, but dang it, I just want to be cool sometimes.

So, today, I'm starting training using the Couch to 5K program. Today--in like twenty minutes. If I don't wuss out first. One of my goals for the year is to participate in a 5K, but I've always been a little afraid to do so for the most ridiculous reasons--namely because I don't "look" like a runner. I don't have a runner's body. Then, I get really worried about what people think about this big girl trying to run a 5K.

It's silly, I know. But it's a very real fear, so I'm still a little apprehensive, but I start training today, and I'll be ready for a 5K in January.

Well, here goes...


Side Note: I'm keeping up with my goal of blogging daily, so here's a little encouragement before I begin my training. Good luck to me.

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